Tuesday, May 17, 2016


Hey everyone! Before I get started, I wanted to remind you all again that I will rarely post on the homepage. Likely the most active page as of now, which may change is the page featuring my Animal Jam series, 'BETRAYAL'. All fanfiction/series suggestions are welcome!

Alright, so let's get into the actual news! Awesomepanda868, being the generous person she is runs the Animal Jam Graphic Central along with other super nice Jammers made me a few amazing edits, as well as a new signature and a blog banner for the AJC! I will be incorporating these into the blog as soon as possible. Thanks Panda!

Second of all, I wanted to let you guys know I have an Instagram page! I should probably commission for some social media icons, but for now, I'll just give you the link to my IG account. My username is ineffable_aj. Visit my Instagram page here.

Third of all, I am going to be making a new page soon featuring tons of random fanfictions. These will not be series, just short stories for you to enjoy! You can submit fanfictions by emailing me, as I accept all appropriate, Animal Jam related stories!

That's all of the updates for the AJC for now!

              Signing off,
Inline image 1

1 comment:

  1. Yay, so excited for blog updates! :D

    I'm finishing up your commission soon--just a few extra things and tweaks to be made!

    I'll go read some of your writings and fanfictions/stories now!
